Ladislav Hejdánek Archives | online texts

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records: 34
Democratization and Christians
article, English, origin: 1968
  • in: Religion in Communist Dominated Areas, New York: Dept. of International Affairs, National Council o, 1968, n. 7–8, p. 63–65
the text is a translation of this original document:
  • Demokratizace a křesťané

  • Letter to Friend No. 1
    | raw ◆ article, English, origin: 10. 2. 1977
    the text is a translation of this original document:
  • Dopis příteli č. 1

  • Letter to Friend No. 2
    | raw ◆ article, English, origin: 17. 2. 1977
    the text is a translation of this original document:
  • Dopis příteli č. 2

  • Letter to Friend No. 3
    | raw ◆ article, English, origin: 24. 2. 1977
    the text is a translation of this original document:
  • Dopis příteli č. 3

  • Will I be on T.V.?
    | raw | skeny ◆ article, English, origin: 1978
    • in: Index on Censorship 7, 1978, n. 3, p. 11–13
    the text is a translation of this original document:
  • Budu vystupovat v televizi?

  • What do we actually want when we want peace
    | raw ◆ article, English, origin: únor 1983

    survey, English, origin: 1985
    • in: , A. Heneka – František Janouch – Vilém Prečan – Jan Vladislav (ed.)A Besieged Culture. Czechoslovakia Ten Years after Helsinki, transl. Joyce Dahlberg – Richard Fischer – Erazim Kohák – Peter Kussi – Káča Poláčková-Henley – Marian Sling-Fagan – George Theiner – Ruth Tosková, Stockholm – Vienna: The Charta 77 Foundation – International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, 1985, p. 75–78

    Prospects for democracy and socialism in eastern Europe
    | raw ◆ article, English, origin: 1985
    • in: The Power of the Powerless, Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1985, p. 141–151
    • in: International Journal of Politics 15, 1985, n. 3–4, p. 141–151
    the text is a translation of this original document:
  • Perspektivy demokracie a socialismu ve východní Evropě

  • Offering a variety of views
    | raw ◆ interview, English, origin: 1986
    • in: Index on Censorship 15, 1986, n. 3, p. 25–26

    Masaryk as a philosopher for today
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ article, English, origin: 1986
    • in: , Vilém Prečan (ed.)T. G. Masaryk and our times, transl. A. G. Brain, Hannover: Dokumentationszentrum zur Förderung der unabhängigen tschechoslowakischen Literatur, 1986, p. 101–112
    the text is a translation of this original document:
  • Masaryk – filosof a dnešek

  • The Future of this Country is at stake
    interview, English, origin: 1988
    • in: Religion in Communist Dominated Areas, New York: Dept. of International Affairs, National Council o, 1988, n. 4, p. 112–113

    Ladislav Hejdanek on Czechoslovakia Today
    | raw ◆ interview, English, origin: 1988
    • in: National Catholic Register — 04.09.1988, North Haven: Circle Media, 1988, n. 1–6

    Parallel Polis, or An Independent Society in Central and Eastern Europe: An Inquiry
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ article, English, origin: červenec 1987
    • in: Social Research. Central and East European Social Research 55, 1988, n. 1–2, p. 237–243

    Democracy without Opposition is Nonsense
    interview, English, origin: 1990
    • in: East European Reporter 4, 1990, n. 3, p. 96–98

    What can East learn from West, and vice versa?
    article, English, origin: 1990?

    | raw ◆ article | lecture, English | Czech, origin n.a.,

    Nothingness and Responsibility. The Problem of “Negative Platonism” in Patočka’s Philosophy
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ article, English, origin: 6. 9. 1990
    • in: , Petr Horák – Josef Zumr (ed.)La responsabilité – Responsibility. Entretiens de Prague, Praha: Filosofický ústav ČSAV, 1992, p. 36–41

    Czechoslovakia’s Return to Europe. A Moral Revolution
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ article, English, origin: březen 1991
    • in: Elizabethtown (The Magazine of Elizabethtown College) LXXVIII, 1991, n. 2, p. 24–25

    J. L. Hromádka and Philosophy
    article, English, origin: 1992
    • in: Communio viatorum 34, 1992, n. 1, p. 64–83
    the text is a translation of this original document:
  • J. L. Hromádka a filosofie

  • Philosophy and nationalism
    | raw | skeny ◆ lecture, English, origin: 9. 5. 1992
    • in: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 55, 1993, n. 1, p. 1–12

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    records: 34