Ladislav Hejdánek Archives | online texts

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records: 34
The Conception of Truth and its Meontological Preconditions
| raw ◆ article, English, origin n.a.,
  • in: Good-bye, Samizdat. Twenty Years of Czechoslovak Underground Writing (ed. Marketa Goetz-Stankiewicz) III, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1992, p. 246–255
the text is a translation of this original document:
  • Pojetí pravdy a jeho méontologické předpoklady

  • Rebirth of Bohemian Rhapsody
    | raw ◆ article, English, origin: 1992
    • in: The Higher (The Times Higher Education Supplement), 1992, n. 1021, p. 15,19
    the text is a translation of this original document:
  • Československo – minulost a dnešek

  • Nations without ideologies?
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ article | lecture, English, origin: 26. 11. 1991? / 11. 12. 1992?
    • in: Metanoia 2, 1992, n. 3–4, p. 109–115
    the text is a translation of this original document:
  • Národy bez ideologií?

  • Spirituality and Commitment
    | raw ◆ lecture | preparatory notes, English, origin: 4. 5. 1992

    Is a New Germany possible in an Old Europe?
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ lecture | preparatory notes, English | Czech, origin: 28. 8. 1993

    Dialogue – Openness to Others and to the Truth
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ article, English, origin: 1994
    • in: Metanoia 3/4, 1994, p. 93–97
    the text is a translation of this original document:
  • Dialog – otevřenost k druhému a k pravdě

  • Vlastní životopis
    | raw ◆ autobiography, English, origin: 5. 5. 1994

    Old Testament Philosophemata Challenging Contemporary Ways of Thinking
    | raw ◆ post, English | Czech, origin: červen 1995

    Philosophy - Introductive lectures [ETF UK]
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ course of lectures | fragment | preparatory notes, English | Czech, origin: 1998-1999

    Non-objectivity in Thinking and in Reality [ETF UK]
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ course of lectures, English, origin: 1999-2000

    The Problem of Truth in Philosophical Theology [ETF UK]
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ course of lectures, English, origin: 1999-2000

    Thinking the European Identity [ETF UK]
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ lecture | preparatory notes, English, origin: 1. 2. 1999

    The Problem of Philosophical Theology [ETF UK]
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ course of lectures, English, origin: 2000

    Human Rights and Patočka’s „Negative Platonism“
    | docx | pdf | html ◆ article | post, English, origin: 20. 2. 2003
    • in: , Jindřich Halama (ed.)The Idea of Human Rights: Traditions and Presence. Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Prague, Feb. 20–23, 2003, Praha: ETF UK, 2003, p. 112–116

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    records: 34